Along Came Trouble

Along Came Trouble - Ruthie Knox ***ARC received through Netgalley***

3.5 stars

Along Came Trouble is the second book in the Camelot series, but you can easily read it as a standalone just like I did. This time, the author is telling us Ellen and Caleb's story.

It was a sweet romance I enjoyed reading. I liked Ellen and her sassy comeback. After an horrible marriage with a cheater and a liar, she fought for her independance and became a mother. She doesn't like to have a complicate life and she won't be please when her brother hires for her a bodyguard.

Caleb was a good guy who just wanted to do his job: protect Jamie Callahan's sister and nephew Henry away from paparazzis but also Carly. Not an easy job when Ellen doesn't want his help.

They're attracted to each other, so they'll negotiate. Ellen wants a no-strings affair while he wants to be more than just a lover. What annoyed me a little was when Ellen was too stubborn to accept any help or when she didn't say much against her ex-husband...

(Recommended for someone who likes to read a nice romance happening in a small town.)