The Virgin: Revenge

"Revenge" is a novella about a girl, Shannon who is living in the past. Ten years ago she was full of joy and happy but she was also a little naive and she learnt the hard way that sometimes life isn't fair. She was left heartbroken, and lose everything she loved at the time (explanations about it are given more and more but we don't know everything about it yet). She also lost her father two months after that summer and it didn't help her nightmares.
When I started reading the e-book, I was a little confused by the extract given before the first chapter. I thought it was useless and made the book a little disorganised. I liked better the ending of the book than the beginning and I could feel the characters in some of the scenes (you know the ones ;)). While I enjoyed "Revenge" I didn't loved it, but I am looking forward to the next instalment.