
This is a short erotica novel who can surprises you by its originality. It's only the beginning and you only want to know if this uncommon 'relationship' will evolve to the next level. I was curious about this novel because it was nothing like I've ever read. The two characters can only use their sights to understand each other because of rules they made when they first started their flirtatious game through windows.
What first started as a fun and sexy mixed with a big touch of fantasy turned out to be more. You can feel their growing feelings and their want to meet. You'll soften for 'Monsieur Sexy' and hope for the heroine to open her heart.
It was provocative and original enough for me to like it, but I missed the dialogues. The constant monologues are not really my thing (because it's a little too slow) but that's just a preference. Maybe I'll feel less that way if the characters actually speak to each other in the next book.
(I love the cover by the way)