Reaping Me Softly

Reaping Me Softly - Kate Evangelista *A copy was given to me by the author for an honest review*

3,5 stars

I like this book and enjoyed reading it, but at the end it feels like everyone is dead. First there is Carrie, then Ben (I was shocked when it happened so easily) . I wish that Ben was still alive because he was such a great character. I really liked him and at first I though something 'romantic' would have happened between Arianne and him but no and it's better like that because it would have been too predictable.

About the story, Ari is obsessed with Niko since she set eyes on him but he didn't notice her until they had to be partners in class. She's a little clumsy and nervous around him but it changes after that (thank god!). They were good together and it saddens me to think that her love for him had been erased (let's hope it's not forever).

I found the idea of the 'Reapers' really original for a paranormal book. Reaping me softly is the second book I read of this author and while I prefer Taste, it's a really enjoyable discovery and I am waiting for Unreap my heart, but where does Niko stands in all this?

Happy reading :)