Bitter Fruits

Bitter Fruits - Sarah Daltry *Arc provided kindly through Netgalley*

I was curious about that book when I've read reviews telling that it was a good story with romance, two immortal brothers and a college girl, lots of myths, bites, and love...

The book start with Nora going to a party with her roommate and good friend Scarlet. Then she meet Alec, a mysterious guy with sharp teeth (no kidding?) and start almost immediately to make out with him. I found it a little precipitate but it wasn't bothering me that much.

Then we meet his equally handsome (if more) brother, Caleb. Nora is immediately attracted to him too (no surprise there).

I really liked the heroine sometimes because she was always making jokes or sarcastic comments especially when the situation is tense, it was fun.
But sometimes I was (just a little) upset with her when she didn't acknowledge what was just under her nose. Oh, and when she acted like a bad-ass in the Church (you'll know what I mean if you read it ;))
Yay, girl.


I found that Caleb and Nora had a lot more of chemistry and sexual tension than Alec and Nora. At first, I didn't like Caleb at all with his bad boy and cocky attitude and also because of their curse, he has to kill time and time again his brother. Alec was kind and sweet but at the middle of the book or so, the author write the story so that we're falling in love with Caleb at the same time as the character and I was feeling kind of guilty for doing so.

Sometimes, I was heartbroken for the brothers ( yeah, I think I actually cried once but I won't tell you that because I'm a big softy at heart and can't help it). Nora can't choose between them because she loves them equally and they love her too. And I was torn up, I wanted to hug them (even Caleb who's supposed to be the "evil" brother and would have probably bite me if I hugged him).


The mythological part of the story is quite well developed especially with the explanations of the immortal brothers and Henry, the professor. There was a lot of it, but it wasn't really boring so it was fine with me.

Fortunately, the book has an happy ending and doesn't have a cliffhanger (thank god). Now I wonder how the dynamics of the three characters is going to evolve in the next book (if there is one).

Anyway, for me it was an interesting read and if you want to read a book full of myths, history, but also a trilogy with sort of "vampires" and all that, you can read this one :). (There are also monsters eating flesh, or eating children... you've been warned.)