
Matchpoint - Elise Sax *ARC provided kindly through Netgalley*

I've read this book without reading the first one of the series (I know, shame on me...) I probably would have understand better (or quicker) the situation about this crazy town (assaulted by a cult about aliens) and also the part about "the gift" of Gladie and her grandmother Zelda.

It was a fun read, full of laughs but also with mystery and suspense!


The book turns around Gladie and it seems that there is always a thing happening. I think that book was the first book where the whole story is so much comical.

About Gladie: She seems to always be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sometimes, I was like "How is it even possible that she ends up in all this drama?" At the beginning of the book, she is at the dentist (even if she hates being here) and well, when she woke up from her anesthesia, she founds her dentist's body dead without his head! She freaks out and covered herself in blood! It was hilarious but I so didn't want to be at her place ! After that, she's trying to solve the murder by founding who's the killer and it goes on and on until the end of the book ;).

About Spencer: He's the sheriff and that guy is just so cocky and handsome and hilarious! He's hiding in Gladie's bedroom because of angry women (they were completely nuts, sometimes walking with knives in hand like nothing was weird in that). The scene on the grass of Holden'house or when he's hiding under her bed put a big smile on my face all along. I just wanted Gladie to kiss him and tore off his shirt (even if he's a player and have a girl every five seconds, though in this book he's doing a pause and that's a relief!) And when he didn't have his shirt on...


About Holden: He's the mysterious neighbour and we don't know really what's going on with him until the last part of the book and even there we don't know everything. I really like him and he's kind of the "nice" guy and you just want to sigh around him.

The only character I didn't like was Belinda... She was just so irritating sometimes with her matchmaking thing :/.

At the end I just wanted to squeal, you'll know what I mean if you read it. Sorry, I won't tell, you'll have to find out by yourself!

If you want to laugh out loud reading a book not like any others with unique characters, go read this one!

Happy reading everyone.